HEATH, Frank

No.5237, Private, Frank HEATH
Aged 24

8th Battalion, East Surrey Regiment
Killed in Action on Tuesday, 13th June 1916

Franklyn Heath was born in Weston Colville in 1891 (Linton Q4-1891 3B:515),baptised in West Colville on 15th November 1891, eldest son of William and Mary HEATH (née NEWMAN).

1901 census...Aged 9, he was at Lane Houses, Weston Colville, with his father, William HEATH (Jnr) [35] a farm labourer; his mother Mary [30], his sister Lilian [8] and brother Hugh [6]. They were all born in Weston Colville.

1911 census...Aged 19 , a farm labourer, he was at 10 Willingham Green, Brinkley with his parents, brother Hugh (farm labourer) and a new sister, Ada Elizabeth [8], born Weston Colville. Willingham Green was in the parish of Carlton cum Willingham.

The family were still at Willingham Green on the pension card.

His brother Hugh was killed almost exactly two months later and is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial.. see here

He enlisted in Newmarket.
The Battalion War Diary reveals that, on the night of 13th/14th June 1916, the 8th East Surreys were in the region of Maricourt/Bray and enjoyed a quiet morning. Then between 15:00 and 17:30 the Germans fired between 100 shells and mortar bombs of all calibres on the left of their sector near Machine Gun Wood, probably ranging shots in view of what followed.
At about 23:30 an intense bombardment of the front line trenched started, embracing the whole of A.I. and continuing to the right, but not on the left. Our artillery almost immediately opened up a very heavy and effective barrage which continued until shortly after midnight, then lifted for about 20 minutes to the trenches in the rear. The bombardment became less violent and gradually only trench mortars were engaged. Our artillery continued heavy firing until about 1:30, unfortunately some firing short and some of our casualties were caused by our own shrapnel.

These particular battalion war diaries are a bit unusual in that the names of other ranks who were killed are noted. The number killed according to CWGC was 12, all buried in identified graves in Carnoy.

Commonwealth War Graves Commission

Frank Heath is buried in Carnoy Military Cemetery, France - grave E:16

click here to go to the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website for full cemetery/memorial details